

Born Survivors

A team of dare devils from ICT Reverse took on the gruelling challenge of Born Survivor this month in aid of our chosen charity Unique Kidz and Co. On Saturday 9th September, the brave group travelled up to Lowther Castle…

Retro Tech: Don’t Just Bin it!

2017 – The year that Nokia brought back the famous 3310 and when vinyl players couldn’t be cooler. However, your retro tech that has been in your attic since the 1970’s, could be less safe than you think. Thinking about…

New term, new technology

With the new academic term just around the corner, schools, colleges and universities across the country are busy getting their IT suites up to standard with the support from ICT Reverse. There was a time when classrooms were dominated by…

Technology: Security Vs. Convenience

The future of our homes will be a place where gadgets and appliances are all controlled remotely.  The same is very likely for our workplaces too! An ever increasing list of appliances including central heating, sound systems, thermostats, locks, lights, and surveillance cameras…