Our Services

data erasure software running

100% secure data erasure & diagnostics using globally certified Blancco software.

data shredding machine

Shredding any hard drives that fail to meet National Cyber Security Standards.

data destruction process

Destroying your company data in accordance with General Data Protection Regulation standards.

Hard drive destruction services that ensure your data is completely destroyed and 100% irretrievable.

destruction of mobile phone data

Our tape shredding services offer your business a comprehensive data tape destruction solution

corporate mobile disposal

Our IT recycling services allow you to increase the financial return on your original investment .

Scanning for a IT Asset Audit

ICT Reverse provides a full audit on all redundant IT assets received in our AATF

company mobile repairing

Efficient mobile phone repair service for companies across the UK.

Part of this project will include the systematic disposition of retired IT assets.

Our friendly team are ready to assist you with your enquiry. If you would like a quote, have any questions regarding our services or would just like to have a chat about your ICT equipment, please don’t hesitate to contact us.