Tech Talk Tuesday
Another Tuesday, another Tech Talk Tuesday! What’s happening in the world of technology this week? Here are some of the highlights.
Drone-Tracking System For UK Air Deliveries
A collaboration between NATS (National Air Traffic Services) and start-up company Altitude Angel has begun work on a system to track drone air traffic in the UK. The initiative aims to make this traffic safer through appropriate regulation.
The system will ensure that any planned journeys by drone are collision-free, and could see the introduction of UK air deliveries for companies like Amazon, who are currently trialling the method.
Current restrictions allow the pilot to fly a drone only in their line of sight, yet the drone tracking system aims to alleviate this issue. However, don’t expect any orders to come flying in through your front door anytime soon – the initiative’s official launch is not scheduled until 2019.
Wind Up Radio Inventor Dies Aged 80
English Inventor Trevor Baylis has, unfortunately, died this week from natural causes after a long illness, aged 80.
In 1991, Baylis invented the Baygen clockwork radio, after seeing a documentary about aids in Africa that suggested educational radio programs could help tackle the spread of the virus.
The inventor was awarded an OBE for his invention, yet claimed to have received almost none of his profits during his lifetime due to competitors taking advantage of obsolete patent laws.
My Baylis spent the remainder of his life campaigning against theft of intellectual property.
Galaxy S9 Set For European Release March 16th
Mobile phone enthusiasts rejoiced this past week as details surrounding the updated Samsung Galaxy S9 dropped. The phone, which is set to retail at £739, is currently available for pre-order, becoming available to the public on March 16th.
Updated features include a re-developed camera, which boasts a better image in both well-lit and darker lighting situations and also an AR (augmented reality) emoji feature, which is set to rival Apple’s Animoji.
Other updates include a re-designed handset and fingerprint scanner; however, the OS remains almost entirely the same as the Samsung Galaxy S8.
Elon Musk Involved in Latest Celebrity Crypto-Cash Scam
A scam internet users are currently raising awareness of is the ‘Crypto-Currency’ scam which we detailed in the last Tech Talk Tuesday blog post.
The scam, which uses various high-profile personalities’ false social media platforms, encourages unsuspecting individuals into sending money via cyber currency in the hope of receiving the amount back with a promised additional profit.
The latest celebrity to be targeted is entrepreneur Elon Musk, who has had his information replicated on a Twitter account which promises to return any received currency back to the user as part of a giveaway.
MWC 2018 Highlights: Android Phone for Children on Show at MWC 2018
Between the dates of 26th February and March 1st, technology enthusiasts took to the MWC (Mobile World Congress) in Barcelona, Spain, to view all of the highlights from the world of technology over the past year.
Amidst the innovative and unique finds were safer Android phones specifically designed for children. The mobile phones use a special version of Android with an un-passable level of protection, to ensure that our kids are safer online.
The initiative, which has been unveiled by a Spanish start-up company, allows parents to restrict which apps their child has access to.
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