Tanzania: The Human Impact of Sustainable IT
With the introduction of the Circular Computing™ ITAD programme in 2021, our partnership with Circular Computing™ has enabled us to plant 5 trees for every customer unit we put through their remanufacturing process. We aim to help our customers drive towards sustainability by utilising the sequestration of CO2 from these trees, alongside reporting the social value of our other sustainable initiatives.
Over the course of the trees’ lifetimes, sufficient CO2 will be sequestered to compensate the emissions associated with the original manufacture of the laptop and the first three years of use, helping mitigate climate change. The forests that Circular Computing™ and our partnership are restoring, will alleviate poverty through income diversity for the poorest communities, and restore soils, water, and biodiversity. Alongside these factors, the human impact behind these initiatives cannot be understated.
The Human Factor in Mara, Tanzania
Let us look firstly at just one of the many sustainability projects we are aligned with, Tanzania. In Tanzania, Circular Computing™ are already responsible for 46,383 trees being planted thus far in the Mara region of the country and our the ITAD programme aims to plant many more. In Mara, the extraction of resources from forests has caused local smallholder farmers to struggle with infertile soil, low water tables and erratic rainfall. Seedlings are grown in nurseries and distributed to the people that need it most.
One exceptional example of how local women benefit is farmer Esther, in the Butiama district of Tanzania. Esther has a small plot of just 3 acres and her total number planted is a little under 500 trees. She has maize, cassava, millet, and beans as agricultural crops, and combines beans with Grewia trees. With the funding and support that Circular Computing™ and our partnership has provided, Esther is creating an independent and self-sustainable income.
Circular Computing™ and our partnership have planted with farmer groups, churches, and schools in the Mara region of Tanzania. To understand all the projects, we are linked with in and how you are helping farmers like Esther, then please do take the time to read the full brochure here.
Supporting livelihoods through the ITAD Programme
Success stories like Esther’s are only possible through the continued commitment and contributions of our partnership with Circular Computing™. Our partnership, and your indirect support by working with us, will help provide invaluable training at the Mara region nurseries; including tree planting and farming carried out by the community themselves as a direct consequence.
By providing this support the farmers such as Esther benefit greatly and carry on the propagation of trees and thus the positive regeneration of the region, both in terms of agroforestry as well as social impact can flourish and progress, year on year.
Circular Computing™ have always gifted 5 trees for every carbon-neutral remanufactured laptop they sell. The ITAD programme and our partnership incorporates 5 additional trees at our supply of old laptops to be restored through Circular Computing™, we aim to effectively double the carbon sequestration and further diversify income in Mara per every laptop.
To read about your impact and what this Circular Computing™ ITAD programme means for you then please do take the time to explore here.