ICT Reverse & Currys Team Up To Support Charity

ICT Reverse has supported Currys with their recent donation of refurbished IT equipment to charity.
Warrington Voluntary Action who supports the diverse needs of local communities in Warrington were delighted to receive a large number of PC’s which were distributed to various groups in need in the area.

Currys called on ICT Reverse to assist with the collection, data erasure, refurbishment and delivery of the assets to the group based in Warrington.
Jo Kay who heads up Digital Group Development said: “On behalf of all the community groups in Warrington that have received a donated PC we would like to say a huge thank you to Currys and ICT Reverse.”
She continued: “Many community groups can simply not afford to buy their own tech and have little access to funding. The PC’s will be used for admin, social media, finance etc. For some groups such as the Asylum Seekers and Refugee Support group, the members can use the PC’s to complete applications, pay utility bills, keep in touch with family etc.”

Some of the community groups that have benefited from the donations include:
- Lumb Brook Millenium Green
- Burtonwood CC
- Warrington East 12th Scout Group
- Sticknstep
- Grassroots to Greatness
- Birchwood Forest Park Friends
- Life after Stroke Group – Alford Hall
- Culture Warrington
- Burtonwood Bowling Club
- Livewire
- Broomfields Youth Project
- Parish Council
- Race & Equality Centre
If you are a business that has redundant IT equipment such as laptops, desktops or mobile phones that could be used again for good causes such as this then please contact ICT Reverse on 01524 580900 for details.